Purpose – Mission – Vision

Our Purpose: To glorify God and abide in Him. To love God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength while also loving our neighbors as ourselves. To follow Jesus by living according to His Word, for the purpose of bringing the Gospel of Christ to our community and the world.  

Our Mission: City Park Church exists to live out the kingdom of God by:
a. telling others about the hope found in Jesus,
b. intentionally building relationships to make disciples that make other disciples
c. using our God-given gifts for the strengthening of the Church,
d. worshipping God through serving, music, giving, prayer, the teaching and the reading of God’s Word,
e. care for the poor, the hurting, the lost, the orphan, and the widows.

Our Vision: Equipping our family with the Word of God, training them to live like Jesus, and sending them to reach others for Him

City Park Church Statement of Faith

Holy Bible

  • The Bible is the spoken, inerrant, infallible, authoritative Word of God and it alone is the final authority in determining all doctrinal truths. 


  • There is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe God is the only infinite, all-knowing, all-powerful and personal spiritual being.  He is perfect in holiness, wisdom and love, and is the intelligent Creator and Sustainer of all things.


  • Humankind was created good and upright in the likeness and image of God; however, Adam and Eve’s voluntary disobedience resulted in a broken relationship with God causing both physical and spiritual death for all mankind. Therefore, mankind is inherently corrupt, sinners by nature and choice, in need of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.


  • Salvation is by grace, through faith and in Christ alone. No one can be good enough to earn salvation, it is a gift from God to be accepted and received. Salvation only comes through the death and resurrection of Jesus. 


  • Repentance is the conscious decision to, and the act of, turning away from sin in every area of our lives and to submit to and follow Christ. Repentance is our response to Christ’s great love for us and is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit. Through Jesus’s substitutionary death, we receive forgiveness of sins and salvation.


  • Those who choose to believe in the death, resurrection, and redeeming grace of Jesus will pass immediately into the presence of God, experiencing His glory and rest (heaven), while awaiting the creation of the new kingdom.


  • Those who choose not to believe in the death, resurrection and redeeming grace of Jesus, will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction and separation from the presence of the Lord.


  • Sanctification is the ongoing process of yielding to God’s Word and His Spirit in order to complete the development of Christ’s character in us. It is through the present ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

  • The Holy Spirit is manifested through a variety of spiritual gifts to empower, sanctify, build and support the church, consequently revealing the power of Jesus’ resurrection and confirming the power of the Gospel. The Bible’s list of these gifts are extensive and can occur in combination. The gifts of the Holy Spirit always operate in unity with the Bible and further the mission of the church.

The Church

  • Christ is the head of the Church, Christians are the Body of the Church, and the Spirit is within each believer.   Every person who is born of the Spirit, through salvation in Jesus, becomes a citizen of the Kingdom of God and an integral part of the church.


  • We believe in baptism (full immersion) AFTER one has surrendered their life to Christ.  Baptism doesn’t save anyone but it is an outward representation of the decision made to die to one’s self and being raised to a new life in Chr